Equine naturopathy training
Horse Remedy has also specialized for several years in training in natural care for horses.
Drawing on their knowledge and network within the equine healthcare professionals, Horse Remedy developed a training (remote) equine naturopath.
Veterinarians, nutritionists, herbalists, crystal therapists, ... come together on a single platform to offer a training program consisting of over forty hours of videos.
Phytotherapy, aromatherapy, anatomy, nutrition, homeopathy, gemmotherapy... are part of the curriculum of this unique and innovative training program.
I want to register for the training.
How is the training presented ?
The training is divided by subject. Access to the different elements is available at all times using your access code.
For each theme, you can find the PowerPoint presentations as well as the videos of our various speakers.
The subjects:
- Equine anatomy
- Chemistry concepts
- Galénique refers to the branch of pharmaceutical science that deals with the formulation of drugs and medications.
- Nutrition
- Phytotherapy
- Toxic plants
- Aromatherapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Aromatherapy
- Apitherapy
- Microorganisms
- Vegetable oils
- Bach flowers
- Lithotherapy
- Natural remedies
- Botany
- Homeopathy
- Gemmotherapy
- Naturopathy consultation
Who are the participants ?
Dominique Cauffmann - Herbalist and trained in aromatherapy
Pauline Rigollet - Herbalist
Chloé Sarasola - Gemologist
Morgane Bethelot - Ecologist
Angélique Descarpentry - Agricultural Engineer
Philippe De Coster - Osteopath
Stéphanie Rivier - Homeopath
Will my certification be recognized ?
At present, animal naturopathy is not recognized in Europe. The practice of the profession is allowed if there are no invasive treatments involved. It is important to remember that a naturopath will never replace a veterinarian.
What are the practical terms and conditions ?
Our training courses can be covered by various training organizations including: FIF PL, Vivea, AGEFICE, FAFCEA, and Pôle Emploi. Our training is not covered by your CPF account.
For any questions about the financing you can contact us at
The registration fees amount to 2499.99 euros including VAT, payable in full via Stripe or Paypal or bank transfer. There is also the option to pay in 6 automatic installments.
These are not refundable after the one-week cancellation period has expired.
Access codes are personal and cannot be given to other people.
Upon registering for our training, the student has 18 months to complete the training, including exams, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
A final project as well as a remote exam will need to be passed in order to obtain your certificate.
A make-up session within 3 months is also possible.
I want to register for the training.
Our other individual training programs
Olfactotherapy training
Because good physical health starts with emotional balance, we offer training on aromatherapy. We will explore how the sense of smell differs from the other four senses, how to manage emotions, the tools available to us, and finally, the three methods we have developed to ensure emotional balance for your horse.
Lithotherapy training
This equine lithotherapy course allows you to learn more about stones from both a scientific and an energetic perspective. Discover a series of crystals to use concretely in your daily life with horses.
We also regularly travel to Belgium and France to share our knowledge with as many people as possible by offering small training days/workshops.
We also organize customized training sessions for companies and groups of professionals in the equestrian world.